Funding Possibilities
Do you want to start a school garden? Do you need funding to pay for a fieldtrip, a classroom set of outdoor clothes or to help improve a local park or outdoor space? There are lots of funding opportunities here!
The North Face Explore Fund
A grant program for those seeking to help youth achieve outdoor participation.
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
They have programs that can help you build and fund an outdoor classroom or learning garden.
Lots of grants available for a variety of programs. Take some time to look through their beautiful site and find ideas on what your outdoor program could look like.
MEC contributions
Again, they will support a variety of outdoor ventures.
‘Learn to play’ fund is looking to fund activities and sports that help children and youth remain or become active.
Tree Canada
This group also works with TD – if you are looking to plant trees or other forestry or tree related funding. Check them out!